It only takes a little self-awareness to infuse happiness into your day without a major change in routine. Here are three simple steps:

1. Embrace gratitude

Appreciating both the good and the bad can make a big difference in your happiness. Research shows that grateful people are happier. It’s important to understand that happiness is not the absence of negative feelings. Focus on the present. Appreciate what you have now rather than yearning for more. Cultivating gratitude as a state of mind can positively impact all aspects of your life, including your sense of well being.

Take a moment every day to think about all the things you are grateful for. Consider starting a gratitude journal or taking a walk in nature, paying attention to the gifts around you. Also, think about someone who helps you regularly and express your gratitude towards them—a partner, parent, friend, pet, teacher, cleaner, or babysitter.

2. Nurture your creativity

Engaging in creative thinking and / or creative activities can enhance your well-being. Pursuing a hobby or a passion can boost cognitive flexibility, problem-solving abilities, and attend to emotional challenges.


“Practicing an art — no matter how well or badly — is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”

Kurt Vonnegut

Make time in your day to create something, even if it’s just for a few moments. Explore unique textures or use natural and recycled materials to make something for your home or a friend.

3. Foster connections

Being part of something bigger than yourself can provide perspective and a sense of belonging. Evidence suggests that feeling connected to others and having close relationships is a fundamental psychological need for a satisfying life. The pleasures of socialising have a similar impact on our brains as physical pleasure.

Take the time to nurture important friendships. Show that you care by sending a card, making plans for lunch, or simply giving them a call and genuinely listening to what they have to say. Smile and greet strangers, share stories when someone asks how your day is going, and notice how you feel when you connect with someone new.